Friday, June 12, 2020

Network Design Essay - 1925 Words

Network Design (Essay Sample) Content: Network DesignName of Student:Institution Affiliation:Network DesignNetworking is all about connecting several computers together. The computers are connected to make the sharing of files and internet possible. Networking is used in large offices and cyber cafes. There are different forms of networking; the wireless network and the local area network (LAN). The LAN is connecting of computers together by use of network cables. Several networking cables can be used in this process (Burleson, 2010). The wireless network uses devices that support wireless transfer of network traffic. Networking is possible in two or more computers. This paper discusses and describes how to design a network.The following is a design of coming up with different types of networks. Several devices and cables will be used in this project. * Direct Network cable * Networking cards * Modem * Wireless CommunicationThe following figures show the procedure of connecting two computers.Figure 1 .0 shows an illustration of how the connection is donelefttopFig 1.0The network connection that is least expensive is the direct cable connection. This connection can be done through a serial or parallel cable connection. This connection is possible though windows Xp or windows 9 computer. To start the connection, click start, go to programmes, accessories, then communicate to start a connection.In windows 9xp the computer is in guest mode. To switch between host and guest mode, left click the change tab button (Kenneth, Mansfield, Antonakos, 2010). The computer that is hosting provides every resource that is needed by the computer that is the guest to access the connection. In windows xp, a user name and a password will have to be inserted in order for a connection to take place. Network cards are less costly than modems. Modems have a slow connection when networking.Fig.2.0Fig.3.0Fig.4.0Networking a minor laboratoryA lot of business and schools have developed and are adversely u sing the internet. Schools, campuses, and businesses use networking to provide internet to its employees, students and departments. Networking help to cut costs of buying new devices and software, this helps in the developing of small laboratories which help in sharing of information. The developing of a small lab needs at least 10 computers that will be networked (Kenneth, Mansfield, Antonakos, 2010). Ethernet is the technology that is used. It can use coax or one, two, or more switches. These hubs/switches are 10/100basT, and the coax is 10base2.Using the coax is much cheaper than using the hubs. Use of the hubs is preferred by many despite it being expensive. This is because, there will always be additional ports left, and they can be used for partitioning or for expansion in the future.lefttopFig.5.0lefttop Computer with scannerComputer with no printer or scannerComputer with printerComputer with DVD writerFROM ABOVE A DIAGRAM OF THE LABIn the past, Ethernet by use of a co axial cable saved on the cost of the hardware, because it was important to purchase cables, boxes of BNC connectors, and a few T connectors. These consumed a lot of time to install. It is only possible if lengths of coax that are pre-terminated are bought.Configuration of the network software should be done; this is in addition to hardware of the network. Machines that use windows will communicate spontaneously above the network through TCP/IP .Machines can also be assigned with IP addresses; this can be dynamic or fixed. For fixed or static, it starts with 192.168. ---. ---.When it comes to dynamic, it starts with 169.254.-.-.This addressing can also be applied to Linux where both static and dynamic (TCP/IP) are involved.Nowadays sophistication of building and construction has made it difficult to use coax while wiring. This is because the building might be too big and complex and use of a solitary length coax will not be possible (Kenneth, Mansfield, Antonakos, 2010). A dai sy chain will have to be designed where all machines will have to be connected by several braces of crimps. When one of the crimps spoils, it will be a disaster. Then such a connection will provide a smaller bandwidth. If the business relies heavily on data, it would be better if the floor of the building were each connected with fiber. This is possible by use of a fiber button/switch or fiber ring/loop topology. The high speed of the fiber will pledge a one floor to the other bandwidth.Remote Access Approaches/MethodsThis component is very important in a computer network. It is the gaining of access to private, public networks and the internet. It is an activity mostly done by students, eBay buyers and sellers, people at home etc. Remote networking can be accomplished in many ways. These methods of accessing the remote network are telephone modems, Satellites, Cable modems, Wireless access points, DSL modems, and ISDN modems. Some of these access points are readily availabl e and at high speed, while others are not that reliable. All what a person needs to do is to choose the best methods (Kenneth, Mansfield, Antonakos, 2010). The digital subscriber line (DSL) has gained popularity and it has proven to be the most reliable access point.Another form of networking that has gained a lot of popularity is the wireless network. The wireless can be set in two ways WAP (Wireless access point) and WEP (Wired equivalent privacy) (Griffy, 2012).Fig.6.0 shows from above a setup of a wireless network.In fig 6.0, the laptops have the same configuration. Laptops 3 and 4 have difficulties getting access of the network because of the building walls. Laptop 1 and 2 get a good connection. When laptops are moved closer to the WAP network, they establish a good connection. It is therefore important to consider the environment while setting up a wireless network.Techniques of Trouble shootingTrouble shooting is very important in repairing network problems. It needs a lot of work, time, tolerance and a lot of thinking.Monitoring Network Baseline operation/UtilizationEach network has its own setup. It is therefore important for the administrator to always check the network hardware devices to ensure that everything is running as expected. This makes it easier to detect a problem when it occurs (Kenneth, Mansfield, Antonakos, 2010). For example, when certain lights in a network system are supposed to be on yet they are off, it is an indication that something is wrong, or when lights in a strange pattern. It is always important to have a pattern that is normal, and this is known as a baseline.Checking for inconsistencies in the hardwareTo check the hardware, click my computer, select properties, system properties will display. Left click device manager button, to view a list of hardware that is installed. If the network adapters have a small exclamation mark there, definitely is a problem (Samantha, 2004). The problem may be on the NICà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s drivers or the NIC itself. This is solved by connecting to the web and installing new drivers.Use of Test Tools/EquipmentWhen more problems that are difficult arise with the hardware, uses of test tools are put in action. These problems are like connections that are intermittent .The use of erudite test tools like cable testers, come in handy. This tool is used to check if there is a problem with the cable. It this tester is attached to a cable and it reads backwards, and then there is a problem with the cable.Check My IPWhat can my IP be? It is important to check the Ip address of a computer. When the DNS server and Default gateway (DG) are absolute/blank, the computer cannot communicate in a network.Checking the neighborhood of the NetworkWhen a computer is networked in the right manner, a person on the network should be in a position to see resource sharing taking place in hosts. This is after clicking and opening My Network places in the computer.PingingThe comp uter in the network should be able to ping another host on the network. When pinging is successful, it will be evident that the network software and hardware is properly working.Baseband and BroadbandThe difference between the baseband and broadband networks is that, a baseband has a singular information transporter/carrier that the digital/numeral network data modulates. The cable of the television system is a good example of a broadband network (Tanenbaum, 2003). Different carriers are put to use and multiple/many channels of data are supported. Broadband networks are costly to use than Baseband networks.Fault Lenience/ToleranceThis is whereby the computers keeps on working despite the occurrence of failure in the hardware. The causes of this failure could be due to damage to a tiny component in the circuit board or the whole server room. Many failures in hardware could be fatal to the computer system, therefore a need for the system to be fault tolerance (Kenneth, Mansfield, Antonakos, 2010). Some of these failures in hardware could be either in the system of the computer or the computer network. In the computer system there could be failures in the power supply, hard drive/disk, or network adapter. In the computer network, failures like power/electricity interference, damage to the networking cable, hub, router, or switch (White, 2010). Damage of the power supply shuts down the whole system, while damage of the hard disk leads to data being lost.Adding culpability/Fault Lenience/Tolerance to a computer networkCulpability or fault lenience or tolerance is whereby more security is added to a computer to prevent loss of data and damage of hardware due to electricity interference. The UPS is the device that is added to a computer system to prevent los...

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